Sow tomatoes indoors now

1LOVE eating bite-sized cherry tomatoes straight from the plants, but I don’t like gluts (my neighbours, on the other hand, love it when I have a glut of fruit because it means I’ll come round with plenty for them!)

To avoid giving away so much of my crop this year, I’m sowing a succession of tomato plants: a few early ones now, followed by sowings in March and April. With a bit of luck, ripening of tomatoes will be staggered over late-summer.

Last year, I grew blight-resistant outdoor tomatoes from Suttons: the F1 ‘Crimson Crush’ and new F1 ‘Crimson Cherry’. Despite some plants showing symptomsf blight late in the season, all cropped heavily. However, I was disappointed with the taste. Maybe it was a bad summer, but in my opinion, tomatoes of the Tesco ‘Finest’ variety have better flavour!

I plan to trial Thompson & Morgan’s blight-resistant ‘Mountain Magic’ - but my main focus this year will be sweeter greenhouse-grown cherry tomatoes.

I’m sowing three varieties: ‘Sungold,’ ‘Suncherry’ and ‘Sweet Aperitif’ - all from T&M, with packaging boasting “the sweetest tomato," “the sweetest red cherry" and “the sweetest cherry tomato" respectively. Hopefully all will taste better than last year’s crops. I’ll let you know.

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